About us

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The Grupo Dispersores is a non-profit NGO founded in 2004 in Brazópolis, Minas Gerais, where it is recognized as a public interest entity and registered in the “state register of environmental entities” (CEEA) and its national counterpart (CNEA).

The focus of the entity is turned towards the gradual implementation of a programme named “Veias D’água”, which seeks to preserve and recover degraded areas within the hydrographic basin of Rio Sapucaí through reforesting, production of native seedlings and environmental education, sensitizing and mobilizing people for environmental preservation and the correct and rational use of natural resources, which are of  paramount importance to live sustainably, thus proving the population with quality of life.

Present in the south end of Minas Gerais, through its projects, Grupo Dispersores promotes the restoration of the Atlantic Forest’s area in the region directly.

Nowadays, the institution operates in three lines of actions in order to reach its goals: Activities related to the restoration of degraded areas near springs; production of native seedlings for reforesting; environmental education for students of the regional schools.

Grupo Dispersores work counts on the support of several agents, such as those from the city hall, public and private schools of the region, universities, companies, EMATER, IEF and other environmentalist NGOs of the region.

Representing the organized civil society, Grupo Dispersores is a member of the Advisory Council of APA Fernão Dias, Committee of the Hydrographic Basin of Rio Sapucaí and Committee of the Hydrographic Basin of Rio Grande, operating directly in those councils and helping promote the conservation and preservation of the forests and water resources.

Topics such as management of urban solid waste, protection and restoration of springs, environmental education, reproduction of seedlings of native trees, creation of Conservation Units (CUs), among others, have been worked with by the institution in its projects and services, bringing benefits to the population and the region’s environmental scenario.

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